Friday 21 August 2009

Reading Group at Rectory Library

I went to the first reading group meeting yesterday (Is it called a meeting? I'm not sure, it does sound a bit too formal though for a gathering of people just having a natter).

We had read the book "The suspicions of Mr Whicher or Murder at Road Hill House", as you may know from my previous posts. I was the youngest there (Being only 21), everyone else was either middle aged or past it. I didn't feel out of place at all though, as everyone made me feel welcome and didn't speak to me like I was a child.

It was interesting to see the different points of views about the book that there are. I have never joined a reading group before, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. We spoke about how the book was written, the good points and the bad points of it's structure. We even spoke about what we believed to be true or not (As the book is a real life crime). We became detectives ourselves as we pointed out the things that were not stated within the book. For example; One of the women noted that not alot of blood was spilled as the throat of the child's was slit down to the bone. Someone else said that the child was suffocated beforehand (as stated in the book), and so the blood was no longer circulating around the body. I mentioned the fact that he had little cuts on his hands and so must've still been alive and trying to protect himself (as described at the end of the book). NOW FOR OUR OWN DETECTIVE WORK TO KICK IN; I suggested that the cuts were caused after he had been suffocated by accident. If you look at the way a child sleeps, they tend to have their hands up either side of the head. Maybe, when the child's throst was slit, the force behind the knife must've slipped and cut his hands at the same time! Another one I pointed out, was that there were a large number of people in the house on the night of the murder, and yet not one person heard a thing. I think that everyone in the house must've been drugged before going to bed so they'd sleep right through.

Overall it was great fun. We spoke about the book (and gave it an overall score of 4/5), then we had tea and biscuits and a chat for another half hour or so before leaving. For next month's metting, we are reading "The Other Queen" by Philippa Gregory :-D

Wednesday 12 August 2009

The evening with Sara Delphi

I went to see Sara delphi tonight at Barking Library. She was doing a talk on her new book "Tarot Secrets". I took my Mum and my Nan with me, as they both love anything to do with tarot readings and clairvoyance.

I'm not too sure where to begin really. We found the evening to drag on a bit. We didn't even stay the full 2 hours. We ended up leaving half way through, but it felt like we'd been there a long time.

Maybe it was 'cause she was nervous, I don't know, but she seemed to "umm and err" alot. She started off by going through the basics in palmistry. I found this to be really fascinating, and I was looking at mine and my Nan's palm to see what we could find as Sara spoke about the different lines and their meanings. Afterwards she asked if there were any questions. A girl sitting behind me said she had a couple of question. Once she'd asked her first question and Sara had answered, sara decided that was enough of the questions part. I found this to be a bit rude towards the girl.

She then went onto tarot cards. She proceeded to bring up the pictures and names of the major arcana (There are 22 of these, they are the main challenges produced). She explained each one individually. This is where everything really slowed down. You could see people trying not to nod off. Sara wasn't very engaging and spoke in a rather monotone voice. After she had Spoken about the Tarot's, We decided to leave. I didn't like to be rude, but I couldn't sit there for much longer.

Overall the evening was... Interesting... but very dull in the way it was explained.

Monday 3 August 2009

The Murder at Road Hill House

I am currently reading "The suspicions of Mr Whicher or The murder at Road Hill house" by Kate Summerscale. As you may know from reading my last post, I have joined a local reading group, and this is what we are reading this month.

I cannot put it down. I'm about half way through now, and I just cannot put it down. It's a true story, a murder mystery in 1860. The only problem is... it's no longer a mystery for me, as I flicked to the back of the book to see where it ended (There are pages worth of notes and a biography). As you can probably guess, my eyes skimmed over a couple of sentences at the end, and fell upon the name of who did it. I'm rather dissapointed with myself right now. I will keep reading though, to see how it was done :-)

Wednesday 29 July 2009

Rectory Library - Dagenham

I went on another adventure yesterday... To Rectory Library in Dagenham. I haven't been there for a few years, and it's still the same as I remember.
Unfortunately, the Library wont be there for much longer. There is a new Library opening some time next year at the Heathway, and Rectory will be closing down :-( This is very sad news. I love that Library! It has been around for 75 YEARS! I prefer the old fashioned buildings. It has a historic feel to it, as Libraries should. This new development just wont have the same feel to it.

Whilst I was at the Library, I asked if I could join their reading group. They meet one Thursday a month, and the next meeting is on the 20th of August. It's a morning group too, which is hard to find as they're usually all afternoon or evening reading groups.

This month they are reading "The suspicions or Mr Whicher or The murder at Road Hill House" by Kate Summerscale. It's a murder mystery set in 1860, and it's a true story! Which is always good (They're the best kind among murder mysteries)

I'm really looking forward to going along to my first reading group meeting :-) I have only read the Introduction and Prologue so far, but it seems like a good read.

TOP TIP! I also went to Asda yesterday and bought "Lord Loss" by Darren Shan. I loved the Darren Shan vampire Saga when I was a young teen, so I wanted to give this a go :-) Back to the point... Go to Asda, most of their books are only £4! You can grab a right bargain there :-)

Saturday 25 July 2009

Barking Library

I went to barking Library today. It's not what I expected at all. I got a little bit lost (It's hidden just outside of the highstreet), and I was looking for an old building. I didn't realise they'd done it all up to look so modern.

It's bad really isn't it? I've lived in dagenham all my life, and I've never properly explored Barking. I knew how to get from the station to the shopping centre, and that's it lol

I seem to have gone off topic a bit here... So, as I was saying. The Library is HUGE! Although it's big, I do think that alot of space is wasted, as the bookshelves are spaced quite far apart. The service desk seemed much too large for the amount of staff using it, but then maybe it's quieter on a Saturday.
I must admit, I didn't stay long. I had to rush in and rush out again, so I didn't get to have a good look around, but I did manage to get an events programme and a couple of leaflets.
They have a reading group there on the first Monday of each month, between 6:00am and 7:30pm. On Wednesday 12th August they have an evening with Sara Delphi. She is a leading clairvoyant, astrologer and expert on tarot, palmistry and the newest astrologist on the Steve Wright show (BBC Radio 2). She'll be giving a talk, and doing a book signing. (This event is free and refreshments provided)
I am quite upset that I didn't have the time to explore a bit more. I'll have to do it another time.

Friday 24 July 2009

What's going on?

Over the last few days, I have been in search of events, bookgroups and what Libraries have to offer within the area.

I have found that there's alot going on for kids, which is great! Well, being the six weeks holidays and all, they need something productive to be doing. Unfortunately, I don't have any children, or know of any that I can take to some of the things they have going on. I would just want to see what they do and how it all goes.

Barking Library seems to have the most going on. Check out this link for the list of events that are coming up over the next few months

I have also found that there will be an illustrated talk and book signing of "Romford Outrage" by Linda Rhodes at Rectory Library in Dagenham. I'll leave all the details of the event at the end of this post.

I have never been to Barking Library (It's sad, but true), so it would be good to actually go in and speak to a few people. See if there are any upcoming talks or book signings that haven't been advertised on the council website. I shall do this on the morrow, and I will report back on my adventures of Barking Library.

"Romford Outrage" Illustrated Talk and Book Signing

DATE: Friday 28th August 2009
TIME: 10:30 am
VENUE: Rectory Library, Rectory Road, Dagenham RM10 9SA
Admission is FREE! Tea, coffee and biscuits provided and it's a part of Rectory Library's 75th Birthday celebrations.

Tuesday 21 July 2009

Out with the new, and in with the old!

In these hard times, we seem to have regressed. Back to a simpler time, when home cooking and board games were "Cool".

Well, I have always felt this way about books in particular. I would much rather be sat on the sofa with a good book in my hand, than sat at a computer on facebook all day.

I'm not hating computers here at all, I do love my laptop, and use it on a regular basis. I do however PREFER the written word. There's something about books, especially second hand books or ones from your local library. Knowing that people before you have read that particular copy makes me feel a part of something special. I love finding a little tea stain in a page corner, or a couple of biscuit crumbs left between the pages from it's previous reader.

How does your computer smell? Do you get any kind of comforting sense from a computer, like you would from a book?

I live in Dagenham, Essex. I am currently out of work and don't have alot to do, but I have made it my mission now to find books within the community of Barking and Dagenham, Redbridge and Havering.

During this reccession, we should be coming together and sharing an old fashioned interest that most people can do, and it doesn't have to cost a thing! :-)

So get reading!